COVID-19 update for visitors of residential aged care facilities

15 Feb, 2021

The current restrictions for visitors of Residential Aged Care Facilities are;

  • a maximum of five people may visit each day per resident (The maximum number of visitors each day (up to 5) per resident will be determined per facility when making your visitor appointment with St Basil’s)
  • different people may visit each day
  • all visitors must wear a mask inside the facility

The following visitors must be excluded:

  • have COVID-19 symptoms – fever (37. 5°C or higher) or symptoms of COVID-19
  • have been to any NSW, Interstate or Overseas locations listed in the current areas of concern at the dates and times listed for 14 days after they have visited the location
  • live in a household with a person who is currently self-isolating
  • are a close contact of a person confirmed with COVID within their self-isolation period
  • are waiting for a COVID-19 test result

Visitors who live in the Border Region of NSW are able to visit NSW facilities, even if they have been in Victoria recently. Visitors who live in the Victoria are not able to visit NSW facilities unless there are compelling compassionate reasons or they are providing essential care.

Please remember that visitors can attend by appointment only. Contact your relevant facility via email or telephone now 

More details of NSW Health’s latest advice can be found here

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