Our Model of Care is "Live Well" with St. Basil's

St. Basil’s launched “Live Well” with St. Basil’s in May 2019, formalising our approach to person-centred care. It is our expression of who we are, how we wish to deliver aged care, and where we want to go. We are now entering a new era with a clear, fresh mindset that encourages our employees to lead with their hearts in the care they provide and be less worried about how things are meant to be done. That’s not to say that we are no longer sticking to the rules –compliance and safety will always be paramount at St Basil’s –but we are “freeing up” our employees to be humans and we are empowering our customers, giving them a clear voice and further control over the care they receive.

This Launch Was The Culmination Of Several Initiatives Including:
- Customer research involving 141 residents and staff across key topic areas and service moments from transition into an aged care setting through to the experience of our residents and families as they travel through stages of decline towards their last days.
- To ensure the voice of the customer in our design phase. This research was used in 7 collaborative design sessions with all levels of staff.
- How we may better know what our residents like and dislike
- How we can better support a good night’s sleep
- How our environments enable residents to maintain connections and live well
- What are the key moments in a resident’s journey as they join us and what supports a smooth transition
- How we help our residents voice their preferences and make decisions
- How staff share information effectively for improved consumer experience outcomes
- What matters most when it comes to dining and other activities
- New concepts were tested and new practice approaches were trialled in the areas of extended meal services and flexibility in day and night care routines; to better accommodate individual needs and preferences and the lifestyle our residents choose
- Our policy suite has been completely revised to ensure a strong focus on consumer outcomes and a strong alignment with both our Live Well Model of Care and the new Aged Care Quality standards enforced on 1 July 2019
- The development of our Capability Matrix and a revision of our suite of Job Descriptions in the Care family to ensure clear accountability for the consumer experience
- Staff training to further develop our listening and communication culture
- Development of a brand profile to communicate our Live Well ethos through social media, our website and key engagement sessions with staff, residents and families
- Creation of a short film to create greater awareness of how the life journeys of families, staff and the elderly are entwined, and an understanding that life is well lived when that journey is shared.

Since May, we have taken the time to evaluate the first phase of our improvement effort. The results have indicated that our “Live Well” approach is creating more conversations about residents’ choices between our staff our consumers and their families. A solid foundation has been laid to further advance our customer ethos.
We have always placed the customer at the center of our care and we are confident that the care we provide is respectful, genuine and fun. Customers live well with St Basil’s and they live life to the full. Our homes are filled with lots of varied activity, noise and energy and our customers thrive. We sing, we dance and we eat. We celebrate being alive and living every moment together – as one big family