Διοικητικά Στελέχη

Diana Horvatovic
Chief Executive Officer
Diana Horvatovic is the Chief Executive Officer and formerly the Director of Quality, Risk and Compliance, both vital roles for St Basil’s.
She brings over 16 years of experience that includes Directorate positions for the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing in the Office of Aged Care Quality and Compliance, as well as with other leading aged care providers.
Η Diana είναι ο βασικός μοχλός των Σχεδίων Συνεχούς Βελτίωσής μας στο κλινικό και μη κλινικό περιβάλλον μας.
Η παροχή βέλτιστων πρακτικών υπηρεσιών φροντίδας ηλικιωμένων στους ενοίκους μας είναι το πάθος της. Η πρακτική προσέγγιση, η ενσυναίσθηση και η πρακτική καθοδήγηση της Diana φέρνουν πληθώρα υποστήριξης στο εργατικό δυναμικό του St Basils.

Stacy Flanagan
Επικεφαλής των Οικονομικών Υπηρεσιών
Stacy Flanagan joined the Executive Team at St Basil’s bringing with her a deep understanding of the aged care industry and extensive experience in the not-for-profit health sector.
Stacy is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and spent the earlier years of her career working as an auditor in two of the large accounting firms in the UK and in Australia.
Stacy has a breadth of experience working with a wide range of companies including listed companies, medium sized private companies and subsidiaries of internal companies, and across a variety of industries.
Stacy has also served on the Board of small-sized charities.

Herma Waters
Director of Care, Quality & Risk
Herma Waters was appointed as Director of Care, Quality & Risk in March 2024, having served as Acting Director since January 2024. Herma brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to this position. With over 30 years of nursing experience between acute and aged care industries. Herma previously held key roles within St Basil’s, and other aged care facilities throughout Australia as an Executive and other Senior Management roles. Herma completed her master’s degree in nursing, along with diplomas in Dementia and in Leadership & Management. Herma exemplifies our commitment of providing high-quality person-centred care to all our consumers.

Leanne Burns
Διευθύντρια Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, Μάθησης & Κουλτούρας
Leanne Burns joined St Basil’s as Director of People, Learning & Culture in January 2024. Leanne has extensive experience in the People and Culture field gained from her work as an executive level strategic business partner in a wide range of national and international workplaces. Her key areas of experience include people and culture strategies, alignment, and engagement strategies. Leanne combines her energetic approach and business acumen with her passion for people and culture to help drive commercial outcomes.