Visiting requirements for our Annandale, Miranda, Lakemba & Kogarah homes

4 Μαρ, 2022

Dear Residents and Families/Representatives,


Currently there is an increase in COVID-19 cases across Sydney which creates a higher risk to our residents and workforce. Due to this increased risk there are measures in place, as a precaution, to provide COVID safe connections between residents and their family or friends.


Requirements when visiting a resident

Visitors must not enter an aged care facility at all if they:

  • have COVID-19 symptoms
  • have been exposed to COVID-19 unless they have completed their self-isolation and testing requirements. People who have had high risk exposures should not enter high risk settings for at least 14 days since their exposure to a COVID-positive person.
  • are waiting for a COVID-19 test result.
  • have been overseas in the previous 14 days, unless they are:
    • fully vaccinated, it has been at least 7 days after arrival and they have received a negative rapid antigen test 6 days or later after arriving in NSW.


Visitor requirements:

  • Visiting is by appointment only. Please contact our home to make a booking and wait for confirmation before attending the home.
  • Up to two (2) fully vaccinated visitors aged 12 years and over, plus two children aged under 12 years, per resident, per day. Evidence of vaccination must be sighted by staff.
  • All visitors must have a negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) on-site prior to each visit so please allow up to 20 minutes for this prior to your booking time. The RAT kit will be provided by St Basil’s.
  • Up to two (2) Children under twelve (12) years are permitted to visit provided they are accompanied by a fully vaccinated person. Babies and toddlers under 3 years of age should not wear a mask as it is a choking hazard.
  • Wherever possible, the visit should be in an outdoor area. Visits should not be in any inside communal areas. All visitors must wear a surgical mask over their nose and mouth while visiting indoors. For reasons when masks can be removed please see Additional Advice – Mandatory mask wearing.
  • People who are providing a service to the resident (including a health or other professional service) are not counted as a visitor.
  • Existing requirements in the Public Health (COVID-19 Care Services) Order 2021 on visiting residents who are at end of life remain in place.
  • Visitors are strongly encouraged to get a booster vaccine if they are eligible for one.

If you would like to visit a resident for compassionate reasons, please feel free to reach out to the Management team of the home where your loved one resides so we can ensure a compassionate and dignified journey no matter what your vaccination status is. We are happy to speak with you about the choices available.


If you have any queries or needs for an outings please reach out to our home so they can conduct an initial risk assess in consultation with the resident and/or their representative. Subsequently you will be asked to complete an outing form and a declaration form.

Residents may leave the facility and attend family gatherings or for other reasons but must abide by the current Public Health (COVID-19 General) Order (No 2) 2021.

  • Residents who return on the same day have a RAT on days 2, 4 and 7 after they return. If well, residents do not need to isolate. If they develop any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 they will immediately be isolated and have a RAT or PCR test.
  • Residents who do not return the same day will be isolated until they have a negative PCR, (RAT if delays in PCR processing) the day of return with subsequent tests on day 3, 5 and 7 after they return.

Residents should not leave the facility if they have COVID-19 symptoms until they have had a RAT or PCR test and have received a negative result. Please be reminded that a resident should get a booster dose as soon as they are eligible for one.

Do you have questions?

If you have any queries or concerns, please reach out to your facility General Manager or Administrators who will be happy to speak with you.

Thank you for your support and cooperation while we care for your loved ones.

Με εκτίμηση,

Σπύρος Στάβης
Chief Executive Officer