Clinical Alert | New Restrictive Practices requirements

New Restrictive Practices requirements

As of 1st September, legislative changes were made to minimise the use of restrictive practices in residential aged care settings.

Restrictive practices are categorised as chemical, environmental, mechanical, physical restraints, as well as seclusion.

What’s new?

Look out for the developments made by St Basil’s to meet new requirements, including:

  • Having a system in place to address restrictive practices
  • Updating Leecare to have a separate Behaviour Support Plan tab/item available
  • Expanding the education and training on restrictive practices for staff through St Basil’s onsite education and training, informal staff training and support onsite, and Ausmed online.
  • Developing a new form and policy
  • Providing support by the head office Quality and Care teams to help you meet new obligations

What you need to do next?

To bring your facility up to date with new requirements, there are several responsibilities that need to be actioned starting now, including:

  • Identifying all residents with current, existing or new restrictive practices
  • Completing the Restrictive Practice Consent and Risk Assessment Forms as well as behaviour support plans, in partnership with specialists such as geriatrician, Nurse Practitioner
  • Completing case conferences, in particular how informed consent needs to take place
  • Updating PCI to demonstrate that we are actively working on full implementation of Restrictive Practices as per current legislative requirement